Benefits and Advantages of Regular Drone Roof Inspections
Licensed and Insured
Restoration Services performs drone roof inspections for commercial clients who need to assess the well-being of their roofing system. Regularly inspecting roofing systems for various warning signs allows businesses to avoid preventable failure and costly repair/replace projects. The same environmental forces that roofs are designed to protect against can also undermine their performance over time: punctures caused by anything from hail to foot traffic can allow moisture to build up under the protective upper layer of the roof, causing mold, rot, and leaks if left untreated. A thorough inspection will reveal damage and other precursors to roof failures, which may then be addressed accordingly. ATS uses drone-assisted visual inspections to investigate whether client roofing systems are in good health.
The conventional method of roof inspection involves sending personnel up a ladder to observe the condition of the roofing system. This procedure has certain limitations, such as inspectors finding certain areas inaccessible and taking a matter of hours to complete their survey of the roofing system. Each of these concerns can decrease the effectiveness of the inspection while increasing its final cost to the client. All of this is in addition to the danger of the technicians falling and injuring themselves. These wealth of reasons make the need for a more efficient method of roof inspection obvious.
Restoration Services Drone Capabilities
Contact Us Today
No matter the extent of your commercial roofing needs, call Restoration Services. We accept all insurance claims and offer 24/7 emergency services. Reach us at (334) 350-3350 or by completing our contact form today.